BEAMeeting Munich March 2023
We are very pleased to announce the next GenISys BEAMeeting to be held on March 14 and 15, 2023 in Taufkirchen, Munich.
Time: Tuesday, March 14th 09:00 – 12:15 CET Training
Tuesday, March 14th 13:30 – 17:30 CET BEAMeeting
Wednesday, March 15th 9:00 – 12:30 CET BEAMeeting
Wednesday, March 15th 14:00 – 16:30 CET User Workshop
Place: Munich – at the home of GenISys
also available Online via MS TEAMS (access data will be sent after registration shortly before the BEAMeeting)
Dinner: Tuesday, March 14th 18:00 at the Italien Restaurant Dolce e Salato (near HolidayInn and GenISys office) Networking and Entertainment
As in the past it is a great opportunity to meet with the GenISys team, have face to face in-depth discussions, exchange ideas and position your needs and wishes, we will do our best to arrange a program with interesting presentations but also with lots of room for discussion. The global GenISys team will contribute with updates on new features and interesting cases. User presentations on applications, solutions for specific issues are also welcome and are planned for in the program. Please let us know ( if you would like to present a particular subject which would be of interest to the Beamer/LAB/ProSEM community. Thanks!
We reserved a group of hotel rooms in Hotel HolidayInn Unterhaching for our BEAMeeting guests.
You can send your hotel reservation to: with the keyword: GenISys BEAMeeting or you can also book by phone (089 - 66691-680 / tel. Mon-Fri. 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.).
We look forward to numerous registrations and will be welcoming you in Munich and Online to an impressive and successful BEAMeeting. We will do our best to ensure a comfortable and successful Event.
More details will follow later, please stay tuned to our website and follow GenISys LINKEDIN.